Lesson 3: Friends
Welcome to Lesson 3! In this lesson, we will focus on how to talk about our friends in Spanish. We'll cover vocabulary and expressions related to friendships and activities we enjoy doing together.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Understand and use vocabulary related to friends and friendships in Spanish.
Describe your friends and your relationship with them.
Discuss activities you enjoy doing with your friends.
Lesson Content
Part 1: Vocabulary Related to Friends
Let's start by learning some basic vocabulary related to friends:
"El amigo" / "La amiga" (The friend - masculine / feminine)
"Los amigos" / "Las amigas" (The friends - masculine / feminine)
"El mejor amigo" / "La mejor amiga" (The best friend - masculine / feminine)
Part 2: Describing Your Friends and Your Relationship with Them
Next, let's learn how to describe our friends and our relationship with them:
"Mi amigo/a [Name] es muy [adjective]." (My friend [Name] is very [adjective].) For example: "Mi amigo Carlos es muy gracioso." (My friend Carlos is very funny.)
"Nos conocimos en [place/event]." (We met at [place/event].) For example: "Nos conocimos en la universidad." (We met at university.)
Part 3: Discussing Activities with Friends
Finally, let's discuss activities you enjoy doing with your friends:
"Nos gusta [activity]." (We like [activity].) For example: "Nos gusta ir al cine." (We like to go to the movies.)
"A menudo vamos a [place]." (We often go to [place].) For example: "A menudo vamos a la playa." (We often go to the beach.)
Practice Activity
Write a paragraph describing one of your friends and your relationship with them. Include the activities you enjoy doing together. Use the vocabulary and phrases we've learned in this lesson.
At the end of the lesson, there will be a quiz to assess your understanding of the vocabulary and phrases learned in this lesson.
Being able to talk about your friends and activities you enjoy is an important part of your social life. Keep practicing the vocabulary and phrases introduced in this lesson, and soon you'll be able to discuss your friendships in Spanish comfortably!
See you in the next lesson!