Essential Spanish Verbs for Household Chores
Title: Essential Spanish Verbs for Household Chores
Introduction:In this blog post, we will explore the most commonly used verbs in Spanish for household chores. Whether you're cleaning, organizing, or cooking, these verbs will come in handy when tackling your daily tasks at home. Let's dive in and learn these verbs along with their English translations.
Limpiar - To clean
Barrer - To sweep
Fregar - To scrub
Lavar - To wash
Planchar - To iron
Organizar - To organize
Sacudir - To dust
Aspirar - To vacuum
Poner la mesa - To set the table
Quitar el polvo - To dust
Pasar la aspiradora - To vacuum
Lavar los platos - To wash the dishes
Tender la ropa - To hang the clothes
Doblar la ropa - To fold the clothes
Hacer la cama - To make the bed
Cocinar - To cook
Hornear - To bake
Hervir - To boil
Freír - To fry
Cortar - To cut
Pelar - To peel
Mezclar - To mix
Servir - To serve
Enjuagar - To rinse
Secar - To dry
Sacar la basura - To take out the trash
Regar las plantas - To water the plants
Cuidar las mascotas - To take care of the pets
Cuidar el jardín - To take care of the garden
Limpieza general - General cleaning
Conclusion:Learning these essential Spanish verbs for household chores will greatly assist you in managing your tasks at home. Practice using them in context to enhance your vocabulary and effectively communicate your needs and actions related to household duties. Keep up the good work and enjoy a clean and organized home!