How much do you know about jungle animals?
Sa., 15. Okt.
|Games & Challenges
The best way to sharpen your ear and read in Spanish while having a good time.
Zeit & Ort
15. Okt. 2022, 19:00 – 20:00
Games & Challenges
Über die Veranstaltung
This challenge is for students aged 5-11 years old.
In this challenge the teacher will ask the students several questions about jungle animals.
Type of questions on that challenge.
- → Which animal is bigger a or b?
- → Write an animal that begins with the letter x.
- → which animal is faster?
- → What does this animal eat?
- → write an animal that flies
- → etc...
There is a video (private) on the youtube channel that the children can watch before the game and be more prepared to answer the questions.
The teacher will show a series of flashcards and will formulate the question orally and the students have to answer it in writing (not orally) in a document created for the game/challenge, each student will answer in his/her own document without being able to see the answers that another student has answered.
The game consists of 40 questions and each question is worth one point, the more points the better! These points can be exchanged for prizes.
The duration of the game is about 60 minutes (until the end) and the teacher will make sure that all participants are connected and with the document open before starting.
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