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On the Farm in Spanish

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In this lesson, we will explore Spanish vocabulary and phrases related to farm life.

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Service Description

On The Farm (En La Granja) In this lesson, we will explore Spanish vocabulary and phrases related to farm life. Objectives By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Identify and use Spanish vocabulary related to the farm, farm animals, and farming activities. Understand and use phrases to describe daily farm tasks and animal behaviors. Discuss aspects of farm life and express your thoughts on agriculture in Spanish. Vocabulary Farm Terms: granja (farm), granjero/a (farmer), establo (stable), campo (field), cosecha (harvest), etc. Farm Animals: vaca (cow), caballo (horse), oveja (sheep), gallina (chicken), cerdo (pig), etc. Farming Activities: sembrar (to plant), cosechar (to harvest), alimentar (to feed), ordeñar (to milk), etc. Phrases El granjero está alimentando a las gallinas. (The farmer is feeding the chickens.) Voy a ordeñar las vacas temprano en la mañana. (I'm going to milk the cows early in the morning.) Es tiempo de cosechar el maíz. (It's time to harvest the corn.) Los caballos están en el establo. (The horses are in the stable.) Exercises NOTE: These exercises will be provided at the end of the lesson. Vocabulary Quiz: Test your knowledge of the new vocabulary with a multiple-choice quiz. Farm Scenario: Use the new vocabulary in context by describing a day in the life of a farmer. Role Play: Practice the new vocabulary by playing the role of a farmer and a visitor to the farm. Writing Exercise: Write a short paragraph about your experiences or thoughts on farming and agriculture using the new vocabulary and phrases. By the end of this lesson, you'll be well-equipped to discuss farm life in Spanish. We look forward to seeing you in class!

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  • 125 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


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