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IGCSE Preparation Exam (Groups x 5 Ppl)

IGCSE Preparation Exam (Groups x 5 Ppl)

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Pass your IGCSE Spanish 2024 exam starting now! Start now, rest later


 ✓ Preparatory course for the IGCSE Spanish 2024 exam with fully qualified, native Spanish teachers ✓ Online course of 20 lessons and 5 students maximum where you will not only learn Spanish but also pass the IGCSE Spanish exam.


We will prepare you for:

→ Listening, reading, speaking and writing in Spanish with numerous tests and exercises at our disposal.

→ We will provide you with dozens of test samples for your understanding and preparation.

→ Each student will be given their own web page with all the syllabus where they can practice all the writing, listening, reading and writing exercises and where they will have all the exercises at hand.



→ L1: Understand the main points and key inforation in simple everyday material

→ L2: Understand clear speech on a range of familiar topics

→ L3: Understand the description of events and expressions of ideas, opinions and attitudes in simple texts

→ L4: Identify and select relevant information in predictable texts



→ R1: Understand the main points and key information in simple everyday materials

→ R2: Understand authentic factual texts on a range of familiar topics

→ R3: Understand the descriprion of events and expression of ideas, opinions and attitudes in simple texts

→ R4: Identify and select relevant information in predictable texts



→ S1: Communicate clearly and aeefctive in a range of predictable everyday situations

→ S2:Engage in conversations of familiar topics, expressing opinions and feeling

→ S3: Use a range of structures and vocabulary with reasonable accuray

→ S4: Show some control of pronunciation and intonation



→ W1: communicate simple factual inforation clearly for everyday purposes

→ W2: write simple phrases and sentences on a familiar topic

→ W3: write simple connected texts describing events, experiences, opinions and hopes and ambitions

→ W4: Use a range of simple vocabulary and language structures reasonably accurately


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