The verb gustar and other rare verbs
The verb gustar and other rare verbs
There are a number of verbs (gustar apetecer, interesar, importar, doler, molestar, caer bien/mal, divertir, aburrir, fascinar, impresionar, asustar, etc. ) that follow the same grammatical structure:

Indirect complement pronoun PRONOUMS IC PRONOUMS + conjugated verb + noun/infinitive.
Me gusta el queso manchego.
No me gusta ir a la ópera
To add emphasis, we use a + prepositional pronoun PRONOUMS PREPOSITION (me, you, him, her, you, we, us, you, them) or person's name before the indirect complement pronoun.
A Juan le encanta jugar al ajedrez A él le duele la rodilla
Both the prepositional pronoun and the noun correspond to the indirect object.
A mí me gusta el café. A Carolina le aburre el teatro.
After the preposition a, the pronoun yo becomes mí, and the pronoun tú becomes ti.
A mí me gusta bailar con desconocidas ¿y a ti?
Note: we can never place a in front of a subject (the person who performs the action), that is, with verbs that do not follow this structure.
Jose Luis sings. *NO A JOSE LUIS CANTA
Rodrigo likes to sleep with clean sheets.