Strengthening Body and Mind: Gym Vocabulary in Spanish
Title: Fortaleciendo el Cuerpo y la Mente: Vocabulario de Gimnasio en Español

Going to the gym isn't just about building muscles—it's also about learning new terms, especially when you're working out in a Spanish-speaking country. From equipment to exercises, this list of Spanish gym vocabulary will help you stay fit and linguistically equipped. Check out our fitness blog for workout tips and join our #GimnasioGlobal community to share your progress!
Gym Basics
Gimnasio - Gym
Entrenador/Entrenadora - Trainer
Membresía - Membership
Calentamiento - Warm-up
Ejercicio - Exercise
Workout Equipment
Pesas - Weights
Mancuernas - Dumbbells
Barra - Barbell
Banco de pesas - Weight bench
Máquina de cardio - Cardio machine
Cinta de correr - Treadmill
Bicicleta estática - Stationary bike
Elíptica - Elliptical
Balón medicinal - Medicine ball
Colchoneta - Mat
Types of Exercises
Levantamiento de pesas - Weightlifting
Entrenamiento de fuerza - Strength training
Cardio - Cardio
Aeróbicos - Aerobics
Crossfit - CrossFit
Yoga - Yoga
Pilates - Pilates
Estiramiento - Stretching
Exercise Movements
Sentadilla - Squat
Estocada/Lunge - Lunge
Flexión de brazos - Push-up
Dominada/Pull-up - Pull-up
Plancha - Plank
Abdominales - Crunches
Burpee - Burpee
Gym Areas
Sala de máquinas - Machine area
Sala de pesas - Free weights area
Sala de clases - Class studio
Vestidores - Locker rooms
Sauna - Sauna
Gym Etiquette
Repetición - Repetition
Serie - Set
Descanso - Rest/Break
Hidratación - Hydration
Compañero de entrenamiento - Workout partner
Nutrition and Supplements
Nutrición - Nutrition
Proteína - Protein
Suplemento - Supplement
Batido - Shake
Barra energética - Energy bar
Now that you've got the vocabulary down, you're all set to hit the gym and chat about your routine in Spanish. Remember, a strong body and a strong vocabulary go hand in hand, so keep lifting and keep learning! Share your fitness journey with us using the hashtag #GimnasioGlobal. ¡A entrenar se ha dicho! (Let's get training!)