How to say “to meet” in Spanish

Navigating the Verb "To Meet" in Spanish
The English verb "to meet" has several translations in Spanish, depending on the context of the encounter. Understanding these different usages is essential for effective communication. Let's explore the most common Spanish verbs used for "to meet".
First-Time Encounters: Conocer
When meeting someone for the first time, you use "conocer".
Conocer - "to meet for the first time" or "to get to know"
For example:
"I met your brother yesterday." becomes "Conocí a tu hermano ayer."
Planned Meetings or Appointments: Encontrarse or Reunirse
For planned meetings, whether social or professional, "encontrarse" or "reunirse" are typically used.
Encontrarse (con) - "to meet up with" (more informal)
Reunirse (con) - "to meet" or "to have a meeting" (more formal)
For example:
"Let's meet at the park at 3 PM." becomes "Encontrémonos en el parque a las 3 PM."
"The team meets every Monday." becomes "El equipo se reúne todos los lunes."
Casual or Chance Encounters: Encontrar
For casual or chance encounters, you might use "encontrar".
Encontrar - "to run into" or "to encounter by chance"
For example:
"I met an old friend in the street." becomes "Encontré un viejo amigo en la calle."
Meeting Standards or Requirements: Cumplir
When you're talking about meeting requirements or standards, the verb "cumplir" is used.
Cumplir - "to meet" as in "to fulfill" or "to satisfy"
For example:
"This product meets all the safety standards." becomes "Este producto cumple con todas las normas de seguridad."
Examples in Context
Here are some sentences that illustrate how these verbs are used in context:
Conocer: "I can't wait to meet your family." — "Estoy deseando conocer a tu familia."
Encontrarse (con): "We met for coffee last week." — "Nos encontramos para tomar un café la semana pasada."
Reunirse (con): "The directors will meet next Thursday." — "Los directores se reunirán el próximo jueves."
Encontrar: "We met by accident at the supermarket." — "Nos encontramos por casualidad en el supermercado."
Cumplir: "The new law meets the demands of the citizens." — "La nueva ley cumple con las demandas de los ciudadanos."
In Spanish, the context in which you're meeting someone largely determines the verb you should choose. Whether it's a first-time introduction, a casual encounter, a formal meeting, or meeting criteria, each situation has a fitting verb. Remembering these distinctions will help you communicate your intentions clearly and meet your Spanish-speaking goals with confidence.