Correction notes for the IB Spanish Hong Kong exam. Criterion B: Message

Is all relevant information conveyed?
Level Level descriptor
0 No relevant information has been transmitted.
1 Some relevant information has been transmitted.
2 More than half of the relevant information has been transmitted.
3 All relevant information has been transmitted effectively.
3 points = five pieces of information
2 points = three or four items of information
1 point = one or two pieces of information
0 points = zero data
Note 1:
For 3 points, the term "effectively" means that, in general, the answer is
clear and at least two relevant pieces of information have been developed.
If all five pieces of information are provided, but at least two pieces of information are not developed, then
2 points should be awarded.
Note 2:
If the student misunderstands the question, then 1 mark is deducted, e.g., if in Question 1 he/she talks about an
activity that is not a video game or if in Question 2 he/she offers himself/herself for a job other than babysitting.
than babysitting young children.
Question 1:
You really like playing video games. Write a post on your social network about your favorite game
the title of the game
the game's plot
the characters in the game
why it is your favorite game
an invitation to try the game.
Question 2:
To earn a little money, you have decided to babysit young children. Write an advertisement to
place in a supermarket near your home that reads:
your age
when you can work
two activities you can do with the children
contact information.