Level A2
About the Course
Level A2 of Spanish according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR):
Present indicative regular and irregular
Recent past (acabar de + infinitive)
Pretérito perfecto (he cantado)
Pretérito indefinido regular and irregular
Imperative affirmative (speak, eat, write)
Verbal periphrasis (ir a + infinitive, soler + infinitive)
Ser and estar
Hay / Está(n)
Possessive adjectives (mine, yours, his)
Quantifiers (a lot, a little, enough, too much)
Comparisons (more than, less than, as/as much as)
Vocabulary and topics:
The family, professions and occupations
The home, furniture and household objects
The city, places, means of transport
Holidays, hotels, beaches, mountains
Work, the office, the company
Health, illnesses, symptoms and treatments
The environment, climate, natural disasters
Food, typical dishes, eating habits
Traditions and festivities
Make more complete personal presentations
Participate in simple conversations
recounting past experiences
Making plans and intentions
Describe people, places and objects
Understand simple texts
In summary, at A2 level, grammatical and lexical competences are extended in order to interact in everyday situations and satisfy basic communication needs.
These are the 10 lessons that we are going to see during the course, however, the course does not only consist of these ten hours in class but during the week we ARE GOING TO WORK HARD with exercises, videos, messages .....
Day 1:
Review of regular and irregular present indicative
Family vocabulary
Listening comprehension activities
Day 2:
Recent past (acabar de + infinitive)
House and household objects vocabulary
Speaking exercises about housing
Day 3:
Preterit perfect
City, transportation vocabulary
Role plays buying tickets, asking for directions
Day 4:
Regular and irregular preterit indefinite
Vacation and travel vocabulary
Reading comprehension exercises
Day 5:
Affirmative imperative
Work and office vocabulary
Practicing language functions (asking, ordering, advising)
Day 6:
Verbal periphrases
Health, symptoms and treatments vocabulary
Doctor’s office and pharmacy dialogues
Day 7:
Ser and estar
Environment and weather vocabulary
Written expression activities
Day 8:
Food and typical dishes vocabulary
Restaurant role play
Day 9:
Traditions and festivities vocabulary
General review
Day 10:
Final evaluation
Cultural activities