Reflexive verbs in Spanish are those that indicate the action of the verb falls on the subject performing it. In other words, the subject performs the action and at the same time receives it. To identify a reflexive verb, you should look for the reflexive pronoun that accompanies it. These pronouns are: me, te, se, nos, os, se. The reflexive pronoun is placed before the verb and must agree with the subject in number and person. Here's an example of how reflexive verbs are conjugated in the present indicative: Yo me lavo (I wash myself) Tú te lavas (You wash yourself) Él/ella/usted se lava (He/she/you formal washes himself/herself/yourself) Nosotros/nosotras nos lavamos (We wash ourselves) Vosotros/vosotras os laváis (You all wash yourselves) Ellos/ellas/ustedes se lavan (They wash themselves) You'll notice that the verb 'lavar' (to wash) is conjugated normally, but the reflexive pronoun changes for each person. Some verbs change their meaning when used reflexively. For example, 'ir' means 'to go', but 'irse' means 'to leave'. It's important to learn these verbs and how they change in meaning. In some cases, reflexive verbs are used to emphasize the action of the verb, even when the verb is not reflexive by nature. For example, "Yo leo el libro" (I read the book) vs "Yo me leo el libro" (I read the book [myself]). Finally, it's important to note that reflexive verbs are widely used in Spanish, and their use is more common than reflexive verbs in English. For this reason,
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