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  • 31 Schritte


Assessment Objectives: → Listening L1 Understand the main points and key information in simple everyday material L2 Understand clear speech on a range of familiar topics L3 Understand the description of events and expression of ideas, opinions and attitudes in simple texts L4 Indentify and select relevant information in predictable texts → Reading R1 Understand the main points and key information in simple everyday material R2 Understand authentic factual texts on a range of familiar topics R3 Understand the description of events and expression of ideas, opinions and attitudes in simple texts R4 Indetify and select relevant information in predictable texts → Speaking S1 Communicate clearly and effectively in a range of predictable situations S2 Engage in conversations on familiar topics, expressing opinions and feelings S3 Use a range of structures and vocabulary S4 Demonstrate some ability to remain interaction S5 Show some control of pronunciation and intonation →Writing W1 Communicate simple factual information clearly for everyday purposes W2 write simple phrases and sentences on a familiar topic W3 Write simple connected texts describing events, experiences, opinions and hopes and ambitions W4 Use a range of simple vocabulary and language structures reasonably accurately

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